Our Library

BIMHRD’S Library is a treasure house of knowledge and information. The Library is fully automated with barcode system, which helps the readers to access the information readily. Endeavor is to create an inspiring learning environment, which enables the students to develop the habit of reading, learning and researching. It has a comfortable reading room and has seamless Wi-Fi Internet connectivity. It also subscribes to a host of electronic resources through which scholarly & industry relevant information can be accessed.


BIMHRD’S Library is a treasure house of knowledge and information. The Library is fully automated with barcode system, which helps the readers to access the information readily. Endeavor is to create an inspiring learning environment, which enables the students to develop the habit of reading, learning and researching. It has a comfortable reading room and has seamless Wi-Fi Internet connectivity. It also subscribes to a host of electronic resources through which scholarly & industry relevant information can be accessed.

Our Staff

You will find our friendly and knowledgeable library staff ready to help and support you. We can show you how to find the information you need, enable you to research effectively, and help you to present your work to meet high academic standards.

Our Collections

You can search and borrow from our extensive collections of books across the range of subjects taught at BIMHRD in the field of business and management, Our collections cover the reading lists for your courses, and also offer a wider range of academic and professional titles for you to explore.
The library’s DVD collection includes classic and modern feature films, documentaries and television box sets ,supports those studying film and drama, and is also available for everyone to borrow.
You’ll find printed journals and newspapers in a range of languages to keep you up-to-date with the latest news and developments in your area, and dissertations by previous students for when you start to plan your own.
Our relevant and extensive collections, flexible study spaces and knowledgeable staff can help you achieve your academic goals